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Pronunciation Guide a as in a pe a as in a pple e as in e ven e as in e very i as in i ce i as in i nterest o as in o pen o as in p o t u as in u nit u as in u nder TERM PRONUNCIATION MEANING affect A Ff e kt agoraphobia a g o r a F O b e a amnesia a mN E z e a amphetamines a mF E T a m e nz anorexia nervosa a n o R E Ks e a n e rV O s a antisocial personality a nt e S O sh a l p e rs o N A L i t e anxiety disorders a ngZ I e t e d i s O Rd e rz anxiolytic a ngz i o L I Tik apathy A P a th e Asperger syndrome A Sp e rg e r S I Ndr o m atypical antipsychotics a T I P i k a l a nt i s i K O T i ks autism AWt i zm benzodiazepines b e nz o d i A Z e p e nz bipolar disorder b i P O l a r d i s O Rd e r borderline personality B O Rd e rl i n p e rs o N A L i t e bulimia nervosa b u L E m e a n e rV O s a cannabis K A n a bis catatonia k a t a T O N e a claustrophobia klawstr o F O b e a cognitive behavioral therapy K O Gn i t i v b e H A Vy o r a l TH E R a p e compulsion k o mP U Lsh u n conversion disorder k o nV E Rzh u n d i s O Rd e r PSYCHIATRY TERM PRONUNCIATION MEANING cyclothymia s i kl o TH I m e a defense mechanism d e F E NS m e k a nN I ZM delirium d e L I R e u m delirium tremens d e L I R e u m TR E m e nz delusion d e LOOzh u n dementia d e M E Nsh e a depression d e PR E sh u n dissociative disorder d i sS O sh e a t i v d i s O Rder dysphoria d i sF O R e a dysthymia d i sTH I m e a ego E g o electroconvulsive therapy e l e ktr o k o nV U Ls i v TH E R a p e euphoria u F O R e a euthymic u TH I m i k exhibitionism e ks i B I SH u n i zm family therapy F A M i l e TH E R a p e fetishism F E T i sh i zm free association fr e a s o sh e A sh u n fugue f u g gender identity disorder G E Nd e r i D E Nt i t e d i s O Rd e r group therapy groop TH E R a p e hallucination h a loos i N A sh u n hallucinogen h a LOOs i n o j e n histrionic personality h i str e O N i k p e rs o n A L i t e hypnosis h i pN O s i s hypochondriasis h i p o k o nDR I a s i s hypomania h i p o M A n e a iatrogenic i a tr o J E N i k id i d PSYCHIATRY TERM PRONUNCIATION MEANING insightoriented therapy I Ns i t O R e e nt e d TH E R a p e kleptomania kl e pt o M A n e a labile L A b i l lithium L I TH e u m mania M A n e a mental M E Nt a l mood disorders mood d i s O Rd e rz mutism M U t i zm narcissistic personality n a rs i S I St i k p e rs o N A L i t e neuroleptic drug noor o L E Pt i k dr u g neurotransmitter noor o TR A NZm i t e r obsession o bS E SH u n obsessivecompulsive disorder o bS E S i v c o mP U Ls i v d i s O Rd e r opioids O p e o ydz paranoia p a r a N O Y a paranoid personality P A R a n o yd p e rs o N A L i t e paraphilia p a r a F I L e a pedophilia p e d o F I L e a personality disorders p e rs o N A L i t e d i s O Rd e rz pervasive developmental disorders p e rV A S i v d e V E L o pm e nt a l d i s O Rd e rz phenothiazines f e n o TH I a z e nz phobia F O b e a play therapy pl a TH E R a p e posttraumatic stress disorder p o sttrawM A T i k str e s d i s O Rd e r projective test pr o J E Kt i v t e st psychiatrist s i K I a tr i st psychiatry s i K I a tr e psychoanalysis s i k o a N A L i s i s psychodrama s i k o DR A m a PSYCHIATRY TERM PRONUNCIATION MEANING psychogenic s i k o J E N i k psychologist s i K O L o j i st psychopharmacology s i k o f a rm a K O L o j e psychosis s i K O s i s psychosomatic s i k o s o M A T i k psychotherapy s i k o TH E R a p e pyromania p i r o M A n e a reality testing r e A L i t e T E St i ng repression r e PR E sh u n schizoid personality SK I Z o yd or SK I Ts o yd p e rs o N A L i t e schizophrenia sk i z o FR E n e a sedatives S E D a t i vz sexual disorders S E X u a l d i s O Rd e rz sexual masochism S E X u a l M A S o k i zm sexual sadism S E X u a l S A d i zm somatoform disorders s o M A T o f o rm d i s O Rd e rz substancerelated disorder S U Bst a ns r e L A t e d d i s O Rd e r superego s u p e r E g o supportive psychotherapy s u P O Rt i v s i k o TH E R a p e tolerance T O L e r a ns transference tr a nsF U R e ns transvestic fetishism tr a nsV E St i k F E T i sh i zm tricyclic antidepressants tr i S I Kl i k a nt i d e PR E s a ntz voyeurism V O Yy e r i zm xenophobia z e n o F O b e a PSYCHIATRY REVIEW SHEET Write the meanings of the word parts in the spaces provided and test yourself.A hyperosmolar highglucose solution is used and water is removed from the blood via osmosis.extending beyond the normal tissue boundaries in healthy male viagra Needle aspiration of infected bone or bone biopsy obtained in operating room most direct and accurate means of diagnosis.Random plasma glucosecriteria for DM glucose mgdL in a person with diabetic symptoms Table Diagnostic Criteria for Diabetes Mellitus GlucoseTest ImpairedGlucose DiabetesMellitusmgdL Random plasma with diabetic symptoms Fasting on two occasions hr postprandial Hemoglobin AcShe states that she has felt tired for the past couple of weeks but is otherwise vague.Getting the 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