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받는이 : 미안해 엄마
작성자 : 딸 2008-12-25
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kT A sh u n esophageal cancer e s o f a J E a l K a Ns e r esophageal varices e s o f a J E a l V A R i s e z etiology e t e O L o j e atus FL A t u s DIGESTIVE SYSTEM TERM PRONUNCIATION MEANING gastric cancer G A Str i k K A Ns e r gastroesophageal reux disease g a str o e s o f a J E a l R E u x d i Z E Z hematochezia h e m a t o K E z e a hemorrhoids H E M o roydz herpetic stomatitis h e rP E T i k st o m a T I t i s hiatal hernia h i A t a l H E Rn e a icterus I Kt e r u s idiopathic i d e o P A TH i k ileus I L e u s inammatory bowel disease i nFL A m a t o r e B O W e l d i Z E Z inguinal hernia I NGw i n a l H E Rn e a intussusception i nt u ss u sS E Psh u n irritable bowel syndrome I R i t a bl B O W e l S I Ndr o m jaundice J A WNd i s lipoma l i P O m a melena M E L e n a or m e L E n a nausea N A Wz e a oral leukoplakia O R a l l u k o PL A k e a pancreatic cancer p a nkr e A t i c K A Ns e r pancreatitis p a nkr e a T I t i s peptic ulcer P E Pt i c U Ls e r periodontal disease p e r e o D O Nt a l d i Z E Z pyorrhea p i o rR E a ulcerative colitis U Ls e r a t i v k o L I t i s viral hepatitis V I r a l h e p a T I t i s volvulus V O Lv u l u s Note The Review Sheet for this chapter is combined with the Review Sheet for Chapter on .In addition to the root sufx and combining vowel two other word parts are commonly found in medical terms. viagra gold usa In the s the heartlung machine enabled longer procedures including heart transplants pioneered by Christiaan Barnard in see pp.
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